Restorative Yoga’s Effects on the Body

To practice Restorative Yoga is to practice the art of being. Where props support the body to allow for the release of physical and emotional tension to achieve that state of simply being. It’s essentially a meditation for our muscles. Author of Yoga for Emotional Balance, Bo Forbes states that we have an “innate capacity for relaxation which is the foundation for emotional balance”. What I have concluded from this statement from the first yoga text I had ever read was that by experiencing various postures for longer periods of time where we are supported by props, it encourages that deep release within the body to set the tone for emotional balance.

Our world is filled with stimuli that can overstimulate us. With the practice of Restorative Yoga we can withdraw the senses from this outer stimuli and provide a reset for the nervous system. There is a physical benefit to Restorative Yoga which is the reduction of chronic pain in most individuals. How awesome is it that we can use props to help alleviate pain in the body? If you have been experiencing trouble with sleeping, especially after setting the clocks ahead, Restorative Yoga has shown to improve our quality of sleep, as it sets up the body to be in ‘rest mode’.

Overall, Restorative Yoga is accessible for most individuals. Even those who experience chronic pain. If there is ever a question about trying Restorative Yoga, always check in with your doctor to see if this style of yoga is right for you. Restorative Yoga can also be done sitting in a chair that offers sturdy back support. The postures in Restorative Yoga are meant to open the body, not to stretch it, so there should not be any stress or much sensation felt.


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