The Benefits of Conscious Breathing

When you attend a yoga class or a guided meditation, have you ever wondered why the instructor keeps reminding you to breathe? It is because of the physical and emotional benefits that practitioners have used for thousands of years. The Sanskrit word for breath is called ‘prana’. As we take long and conscious inhales and exhales; that beautiful prana; we release our stress and anxieties, regulate our immune systems and promote better respiratory function.

Breathe in through the nose and out through the nose or mouth. It really is a simple and powerful task. Yoga and meditation provide the modern human being the opportunity to pause during a busy day. This pause allows us to focus on our breath and to take our time with it.

In the midst of chaos, you can still find the time to breathe consciously. Even at the office, the dentist, or at a party, you may not have been so enthused to attend. Really get into your prana and you’ll be just fine.


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